Ford Offers ADAS Certification to FCCN Members

Ford has announced that it has begun offering an optional advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) certification for members of its Ford Certified Collision Network (FCCN). To be ADAS-certified, Ford said, the following items are required:

  • A dedicated, in-house calibration technician;
  • Completion of all 11 I-CAR training courses related to ADAS;
  • Completion of all five Ford Motor Company training courses on ADAS and the Ford Diagnostic and Repair System (FDRS);
  • Completion of Ford’s two-day, hands-on ADAS service and diagnosis training workshop;
  • Access to Ford’s official Workshop Manual (included in FCCN);
  • Proper tools and equipment, including Ford diagnostic hardware and software, and 360-degree camera calibration mats.

See the Full Story in Repairer Driven News:

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