I-CAR opens New Training Facility in Chicago

As first reported in Repairer Driven News, I-CAR has opened a new Chicago Technical Center to serve as a neutral, mission critical resource for inter-industry. Per CEO and President John Van Alstyne, “It’s an intentional step forward to continue our mission to deliver increasingly accessible, on-demand, and relevant education, knowledge, services, and solutions for the Collision Repair Inter-Industry”.  

The incremental functional technical capabilities the new technical center brings to the industry are ADAS, Electric Vehicles, and Advanced Learning Technologies; all being central to repairing cars right today and tomorrow. 

“This investment in our industry’s technical infrastructure couldn’t have come at a more critical time, with accelerating repair complexity in areas not previously native to our industry, and we thank the countless individuals from throughout the industry who have provided untold hours of input to help guide us forward to this milestone,” Van Alstyne said. 

See the Full Story here.

#education #training #learning #investment #help #infrastructure #electricvehicles #cars #complexity

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